My love affair with Little Black Bag is 100% finished. After a misunderstanding, I just had them cancel both email accounts that I had through them and refund our $109.80 that they took out last month since I forgot to "skip" the bags. I hadn't bought anything from them since November of last year, but went ahead and opened my bags this month since they already took the money out on the 6th of last month. With the misunderstanding, they were going to be charging me another $54.90. I asked if they could just close out one of my bags and apply that $54.90 credit to the other bag but they said they couldn't do that. So, bye bye LBB. It was good while it lasted and I was SO excited about my one bag that was full of NuMe flat irons, but... laytuh taytuh! The kids are going to be disappointed that we won't be getting any more of their boxes in the mail but HEY with that $109.80 that'll be back in our account, we can all go out to celebrate mine and Chad's 9 year anniversary on March 24th. Now *THAT* is worth the money ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I do have a few 'lbb unboxing' videos from late last year that I still need to upload onto my YouTube account, so keep your eyes peeled for that. I just haven't done much the past few months but am trying to get back into everything :)